Saturday, February 28, 2015


To Alcohol Google, the cause of and solution to all of life's problem.

Google seems to have some kind of senile disease where your mood swing uncontrollably.

Anyway they revoked the new policy change (, so there's no need anymore to move the blog.

I doubt google will change is mind again in the near future but if that happen I'll probably stick with this blog anyway and just censor the nude images.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

! Problem !

an issue has come and was pretty much unexpected.

Google (Blogger owner) has decided to stricten its mature content policy.
Near the end of the next month this blog will not be TOS compliant.
So, I'm currently evaluating other places.

I looked upon wordpress but it doesn't allow pornography.

Then I looked upon Tumblr and they allow mature content but I don't like it very much since it's more complex than I need.

Anyway I'll see these days if I can find something better and I'll post the link to the new blog.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Feedbacks part 2

Micro update.

As I said in the previous post, now it's possible to send feedback for requesting dresses and for reporting typos.

Monday, February 23, 2015


Hi there,

I was looking for a while at the Parse ( it's a nice library that let you do some operations on the internet (save data, analyticts and such). I had already seen that it was pretty simple to use so I decided to give it a try (since it's free! WIIII!).

At the moment I only utilized some of the basic function but it seems pretty nice.
Anyway, I added a way for people to suggest and write events and send them to me, so that, if it's good enough, I can implement it.
Here's how it looks like:

I'll probably add a way to suggest dresses and features and a way to report bugs and typos.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Monday, February 16, 2015

New shirt

As the previous post this is another post with a new dress. This time it's a shirt!
And it's the most normal shirt ever. It will probably be the base (with the trousers of the last post) of the barista job that you're trainee will be able to undertake.

Here it is in the normal and full pregnant version:

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

New trousers


as you probably have noticed there were no updates these day.
I was lacking motivation (for me writing events is a motivation killer), I still do but sometimes I return working on this project.
You will probably see less updates at least while I'm focusing on events.

Anyway this is an update non event related, a new dress! Yay!

I have made a pair of trousers which have three variations. You can see them here:

There's something bugging me though which is the upper line which is too much curved on the side of the leg. I'll probably modify that in the future but atm it's good as is.