Wednesday, June 24, 2015

About the interface and the juice


In these days I made some draw about what could be the final interface of the game.
The final one is this:

The interface is pretty basic, the 5 bigger box you see in the middle are for units:
Each unit has its box.
Each unit box contains a list of jobs.
Each job show:
-job icon
-job name
-amount of unit assigned to that job (not shown in the drawing)
-a plus and minus sign (the unemployed job has only a +)

The slave has the same box as the others but no plus/minus sign (maybe a plus I have yet to decide where starting slave will be bought or "generated" by warrior units)

For the rest there are only 2 action you can do (two button on top left)
-Dig (space + gold)
-Hunt (food)

And for each unit you can build its house type. (five buttons on bottom left)

But what's the juice (read H-content)?
My idea is to make a drawing of each unit in each job.
I'm not sure I have the power of doing all that images, so I'll start with the H one and in case continue with the non-H one.

All in all there should be at least 6 H images:
1. goblin breeder
2. horse breeder
3 .minotaur breeder
4. ogre breeder
5. slave
6. pregnant slave

If I get some ideas I could make a draw for each type of pregnant slave...

The drawing will appear when you mouse over a unit in the blank space in the bottom right and will appear on a bigger window when clicked.

Okkey that's all for today.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Clicker game scope


today we'll see what's are the units/ building etc...

Let's start with units, to keep the scope small I decided to put just 4 unit

The planned units are:

1. goblin
2. warhorse
3. minotaur
4. ogre

Warhorse will have only two jobs:

The rest will have the following jobs:
-digger (+space)
-hunter (+food)
-warrior (-population)
-breeder (+unit)

So, as you can see there's something new here, population...
What's that?

I tought that could be interesting to add and end to the game.
So, in the game you're some kind of demon king or whatever.
What's the job of a demon king?
Conquer the world of course...
So, the objective of the game will be to eliminate every human from earth.
Warrior will do that, they'll kill people, you win when there's nobody on earth anymore.

Anyway after this post I can see I already forgot something:

I have to understand if they normal units as goblin, which jobs (read pregnancy) cannot be assigned by player or I need something different...
We will see...

Friday, June 12, 2015

Clicker game concepts

So, what should be the clicker concepts?

The idea behind the game is pretty basic.

You accumulate resources that can be spent on upgrades/unit that generate more resources.

By looking at the prototype I can see that the main concepts for the game are:
1. Resources (used to buy things)
2. Units (used to create more resources and unit)
3. Building (used to hold units)
4. Jobs


A resource is just a simple number with a given name.
-Resources cannot be negative
-Resource have no upper bounds
-Resource don't produce nor consume other resources.


In the game a unit is a living thing that require food and use a building as a shelter to survive.
-Units consume resources(food) every turn in order to survive.
-You can't create more unit than the space given by the building (as can be seen in the prototype if you have 10 goblin house you can have a max of 10 goblin)
-Unit can have a job assigned. A job consume 0 or more resource in order to create 1 or more resources


A building is used to hold units.
Building are represented by a name and a number.
-Building can't be destroyed.
-Building don't produce nor consume resources they're just a way to hold units.


-A unit can have 0 or 1 job assigned. Thinking about it I'll probably generalize it more and say that a unit must have 1 job assigned. By default a unit has the "Unemployed" job which consumes no resources and produce no resources.
-Jobs consume 0 or more resources per turn in order to produce 1 or more resources per turn.
-Jobs can be changed at any time.

Next time I'll post a list containing the units, resources, etc...

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Clicker game prototype

Ok people,

here's the protoype for the clicker game.!8lRzWTIS!Y0z3Fik9WDrVvzFk97uSBsEkvwRAAbSMkA7RUICdlNY

The prototype, as the name implies, it's just a simple test in order to understand how to proceed in creating the game.

Since there's no tutorial or anything I'll give you a little explanation.

You will get a series of action you can do by clicking the buttons:

Dig: generate space and gold
Get food: generate food
Build goblin house: Generate a goblin house (30 space required)
Build stable: Generate a stable (some space required)
Increase prison space: Generate prison space (50 space required)
Add prison cell: Convert 1 prison space to 1 cell
Kidnap girl: Generate 1 slave, consumes 1 prison cell
Hire goblin: Generate 1 goblin, consumes 10 gold and 1 goblin house
Buy stallion: Generate 1 stallion, consumes 50 gold and 1 stable (Note stallion are not useful in the prototype, if you want you can create them but are just a waste of resources. It impregnante slaves and generate more stallion)
Hire goblin miner: Convert 1 goblin to a goblin miner (generates space and gold)
Hire goblin food hunter: Convert 1 goblin to a goblin food hunter (generates food)
Hire goblin breeded: Convert 1 goblin to a goblin breeder (impregnate slaves that generate goblins)

If you see you units disappear it's because food is required for slave, goblin and stallion to live.
Get more food or create more goblin food hunters...

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Thoughts about the last experience

Hello at the few that still look at the blog.
WARNING: long and dense post ahead

I decided I'll keep this blog and will not make a new one, I'll change the name in the future if blogger permit it.

Anyway after the last experience I'd like to share a couple of thoughts.

Thought number one: Start small
It's years that I try to make games (hentai and not), XMaker was the first one I publicized with the idea that having some people watching me, would help me keeping committed.
One of the main problem that I have is that I aim too big. This is a common problem that strike software developer (hence why you probably have already seen someone trying doing a game and stopping after a while).
XMaker is not that complex from the programming point of view, but required a lot of content to be written and drawn. At start I thought that I could just have shipped the game with low content and hope to other people to provide more (don't know if you noticed but inside the game folder there's a pdf showing most of the command available for writing the events).
When the project started I actually received a request from a very kind person who offered to write some events, but I refused because I wanted to make sure I shipped something first.

Thought number two: Ship often
I'm not sure this could be something feasible (expecially at the start of a new project), but shipping often should keep people engaged and probably less angry if the game fail.
Most of all it should provide a earlier feedback (hopefully) from the players.
The ship often methodology is often seen in kickstarter project that offer early builds.

Thought number three: Uhm, I thought I had more thought or maybe I simply forgot something...

As I anticipated I'm now working on a clicker game.
The game should have some properties that make it desiderable for me:
1. I like those kind of games
2. It should be fairly simple at least if I keep the scope small. In order to understand this I've started a small prototype to try understand what's easy and what's not. When I understand that, I should be able to start a game with an acceptable scope. (I'll post the prototype in the next days)
3. It require no writing skills (I have just to name things and in case describe them) and a small amount of draw (From what I understood at the moment I could draw an icon for every resource and an image for every unit, but the reality is that it would probably enough to provide art for the things that are hentai related...)

So my plan for the next weeks is:
1. Complete the prototype in order to understand some key point for designing the game.
2. Explain to you the mechanic behind the game, explaining it out loud should help me to understand the requirement for the game better.
3. Draw a simple mockup of the interface in order to visualize what could the final product look like.
4. Start working on the game, trying to ship weekly (probably hard) or biweekly a build. The build might be unplayable or with very limited functionality, the idea behind this is to show a constant progress.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Good/Bad news

Hello people.

Today I come with good and bad news...

Which one would you like to hear first?
Ok, I'll start with the bad one:

This project is now officialy on hold.
Main reason for this is the lack of my writing and verbal skill, which have two major drawback:
a. Is very painful for me writing events
b. I created only low quality events.

Playing the game right now is really just: Meh!
Maybe it's just me that have high quality standards and get bored easily, I don't know I'll see what are the feedbacks (if any) in the next days.

So, what's the good news?

There are two good news and there's an announcement I'd like to make.

First the two good news:

The first one is that I'm a person that always try to keep my promises (and that's why I don't make them very often :) )
So, here's the preview I promised one month ago:!hgIzkbzR!-qb_yih19pAPhU_s6aRH6kFM50rTAKhUhrnh8TJb-9s

As I said don't expect much (and unfortunately being a preview comes with no tutorial and bad UI)

The second good news is that I never stop, I'm now working on another game.
I'm investigating incremental games and I'd like to create a hentai one.

Finally, the announcement:
I, as many other, falled for the old trap and created a Patreon campaign. Here's the link:

If you think, after the bad news, that I'm still worth anything consider visiting my patreon page and pledge.
I'm not sure whether I'll continue to post on this blog for next games or create new blogs for them, but if I'll change the blog I'll make sure to post a note here.

Final note:
If you find bugs or crashes in XMaker consider contacting me even if I say the project is on hold, since I don't like to leave buggy code.
There's a bunch of button ingame that let you contact me, feel free to use them since I love feedback and in the future it might be implemented...